Tuesday, June 03, 2008

worship @ 6pm all summer long!

We're making it a little easier to fit church into busy summer schedules - WORSHIP @ 6pm starting THIS THURSDAY and running through June and July. If you're planning way ahead, take note: No worship on July 29 or in the month of August. So come in to praise God and then head back outside with a grateful heart to praise the sun (come on, you know you want to) ...

What's going on @ The Crossing?
THIS THURS. / Worship @ 6pm: Christine Evans shares June reflections; no early spiritual practice this summer. Subway: Park Street (red or green line) or Downtown Crossing (orange line). Driving: For $3, we validate parking at Boston Common Garage (Charles Street b/t the Common and Public Gardens.) More info: www.thecrossingboston.org.

NO MONDAY SCRIPTURE CHAT THIS SUMMER: That is, no official every-other-Monday date at Grendel's Den. But if you want to connect to reflect on the great crossing between God's story and our stories, contact Chris Ashley at chris.ashley@gmail.com. He'll let you know about ad hoc Bible Study gatherings this summer.

SAT., 6/14 @ 2pm / Got Pride? Get Blessed!: Following the LGBT Pride Parade, our own Bishop Tom Shaw will open the doors of The Cathedral to bless people, relationships and families. Starts at 2pm with "Party on the Porch" (lemonade, cookies and music outside). At 2:30pm, come in for a simple, celebratory gathering featuring music, blessings from the bishop and prayer. All are welcome! Want to help? Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com. And if you want to march with a bunch of surprisingly wild Episcopalians in the parade (step off @ noon in the South End), contact Rev. Steph for those details, too.

JOIN THE REVOLUTION THIS SUMMER / We could use help with set-up (creative stuff and the really basic stuff), greeting on the porch, justice and newcomer ministries, etc. If you've got some time this summer AND a passion for building the beloved community, contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com.

PRAYERS NEEDED: Please pray for our sisters Audrey and Lynn, as they prepare to go before church committees that will decide whether to sponsor them for ordination to the priesthood. Pray for everybody who is hunting for work or housing, interviewing for jobs and simply struggling in this tight economy. Pray for our sister Lianne Marquis, who is in the Holy Land working on behalf of the Palestinian people this summer.

Ministries with Poor People in Boston: We're closely connected to three downtown ministries with homeless and hungry people:
** Monday Lunch Program takes place here at The Cathedral every Monday. Show up @ 10am to help with set-up, or at 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community. Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com or 617.482.4826, x318.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed everyday to help serve meals and provide care. Contact Lynn Campbell at lynnmcam@aol.com or 617.654.1212.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could also use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See www.haleyhouse.org or contact Christine Evans at cevans@haleyhouse.org.

Give it 4 Good: One way to put your economic stimulus check to real use is to "Give it 4 good." Go to www.e4gr.org/giveit4good and donate part or all of your check to groups working to alleviate global poverty. Sponsored by Episcopalians for Global Reconciliation.

If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: revsteph@gmail.com (priest, communications, pastoral care)
** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com (scripture chat, hospitality)
** Lynn Campbell: lynnmcam@aol.com (ministries with the homeless)
** Ben Garren: bgarren@alumni.unc.edu (worship/creative stuff)
** Jason Long: jason.long.1@googlemail.com (small groups)
** Ashley Merrell: amerrell@berklee.net (music ministry)
** Kirsten Wesselhoeft: kirsten.m.w@gmail.com (newcomers)

Blessings in the groove!
Rev. Steph

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