we're all in this together
(posted to The Crossing community via email blast on 7.9.09)
"Ubuntu: I in you and you in me"
"What is given to us is given to us to be given to another."
"Reach out your hand into the dark to pull another hand into the light."
I'm writing to you from Anaheim, where the Episcopal Church has gathered for its every-3-years' General Convention (Jul 7-18). The words above have rung in the halls here, as sermons, speakers, songs and regular conversations keep turning our attention out toward relationships, out toward the world's pain, out to do God's work of loving and healing and hoping and reconciling and making justice. I am so grateful, in this moment, to be part of a Christian community that sees global poverty and distress and asks over and over: How does pain in another part of the world (or another part of our own city) change who we are and what we do, as Jesus' followers? How do we tell the truth and collaborate and sacrifice so that systems change and the most vulnerable people don't keep suffering? They are the right questions, and I hope you will ask them wherever you are right now. Let's keep asking them together for a long time.
If you'd like to learn more about what's going on here at General Convention -- including a live webcast of worship Thursday at 2:30pm with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams preaching -- go to whttp://www.episcopalchurch.org/gchub. If you'd like to read blog posts from members of The Crossing community who are here at General Convention (including Chris Ashley and Jason Long), go to http://thecrossing-boston.blogspot.com. And to learn more about Episcopalians engaged in healing and justice around the world, go to http://www.e4gr.org.
what's going on @ the crossing ...
note: our last worship for the summer is july 23. then we take off july 30-all of august, returning september 3.
THIS THURSDAY @ 6pm / Worship and Fellowship
Penny Larson leads the month's gospel reflections, and Sue Spilecki helps us to have a deep conversation with God on paper (also known as journaling). AFTER WORSHIP: Join us for simple hospitality and stick around for our ritual procession to a nearby restaurant for cheap food and drinks. GETTING TO THE CROSSING: Across from Park St. T. PARKING: Validated parking @ Boston Common Garage on Charles Street (b/t Common and Public Garden). MORE INFO: Head to www.thecrossingboston.org.
EVERY TUESDAY THROUGH AUGUST @ 6:30-8pm / Come to the Center: A Centering Prayer Circle
NOTE LOCATION: DOWNTOWN @ The Paulist Center (across from Cathedral)
Keith Nelson and Matthew Turner lead this exploration of the ancient practice of Centering Prayer (think of it as Christian meditation). OPEN GROUP: beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome! DATES: Runs every Tuesday this summer. Come once, twice or every week. Just come find the center. LOCATION: Due to construction in the Cathedral community spaces this summer, the group will meet in nearby churches. Most Tuesdays at The Paulist Center -- a Catholic church across from Park St. T, about half-way up Park St (toward the State House; red door). NOTE: 7/28 and 8/25: St. John the Evangelist Church on Bowdoin Street. CONTACT: Keith Nelson, nelsonkr@gmail.com or 205.807.9037.
Two members of The Crossing community -- Chris Ashley and Marie Harkey -- are traveling with Church of the Advent-Boston to forge relationships with our brothers and sisters in Maseno, Kenya. We hope you'll want to support their ministry, learn about the struggles and hopes of the Kenyan people, and hear how we can all engage God's mission more deeply this fall. But it starts with raising the last $1,700 to send Chris and Marie to Kenya. CONTACT: Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com for more information or to make a contribution (checks to St. Paul's Cathedral, with "Crossing Priest Discretionary-Kenya" in the memo area). LEARN MORE: http://www.diomass.org/mission/AIDS_in_Africa.
community notes
Giving @ The Crossing -- An Update
We're at the halfway point in our annual giving goal of $20,000 in 2009. Please prayerfully consider making a one-time gift or start pledging (setting out an amount you'd like to give over the course of a year, and filling out a pledge card so we know we can count on your contribution). Give however you're able: cash, check or credit cards. CONTACT: Chris Ashley at chris.ashley@gmail.com.
InBetweenCrossings: groups.google.com/group/inbetweencrossings
You got stuff to share (a job, a couch, a theater gig you want people to attend …)? You need stuff (lost scarf, dog-sitter, a summer sublet …)? Log onto our new online forum to connect and share information about random community announcements -- including upcoming events, apartment sublets, job opportunities, lost-and-found, furniture exchange, help requests, etc.
Share the Groove -- Buy a copy of The Crossing CD
The Crossing has released its first CD, Songs @ The Crossing. It's a collection of 14 favorite songs from our worship community, and you can get it for $15. Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com or buy one on a Thursday.
Fair Trade @ The Crossing
Want to pitch in with our effort to become a Fair Trade Ministry? The first move: changes in hospitality (fair trade/organic food, eco-friendly products, re-usable dishes that we wash after worship). CONTACT: Bill Comer at bill.comer.jr@gmail.com or 617.818.5124. And join friends at Boston Faith and Justice Network as they put the spotlight on fair trade and justice issues locally and globally. Go to www.bostonfaithjustice.org for more info.
ongoing justice and healing ministries
We're serious about joining ministries that serve our homeless and hungry brothers and sisters. Please join us any day of the week!
** Monday Lunch Program: Cathedral every Monday, 10am to help with set-up, or 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. Contact Rev. Steph a revsteph@gmail.com.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed every day to help serve meals and provide care. Boylston St, near Chinatown. Contact Lynn Campbell at lynnmcam@aol.com.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See www.haleyhouse.org.
getting connected @ the crossing
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: revsteph@gmail.com / 617.482.4826, x318 (priest, communications, pastoral care)
** Jason Long: jlong@diomass.org / 617.482.4826, x311 (small groups & formation, newcomers)** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com (budget, hospitality)
** Lynn Campbell: lynnmcam@aol.com (ministries with the homeless)
** Kieran Conroy: kconroy42@gmail.com (emerging church connections)
** Ashley Merrell: ashleynmerrell@gmail.com (music ministry)
** Keith Nelson: nelsonkr@gmail.com (worship arts)
** Jenna Tucker: jenna.m.tucker@gmail.com (general admin)
Blessings in the groove,
Rev. Steph
"Ubuntu: I in you and you in me"
"What is given to us is given to us to be given to another."
"Reach out your hand into the dark to pull another hand into the light."
I'm writing to you from Anaheim, where the Episcopal Church has gathered for its every-3-years' General Convention (Jul 7-18). The words above have rung in the halls here, as sermons, speakers, songs and regular conversations keep turning our attention out toward relationships, out toward the world's pain, out to do God's work of loving and healing and hoping and reconciling and making justice. I am so grateful, in this moment, to be part of a Christian community that sees global poverty and distress and asks over and over: How does pain in another part of the world (or another part of our own city) change who we are and what we do, as Jesus' followers? How do we tell the truth and collaborate and sacrifice so that systems change and the most vulnerable people don't keep suffering? They are the right questions, and I hope you will ask them wherever you are right now. Let's keep asking them together for a long time.
If you'd like to learn more about what's going on here at General Convention -- including a live webcast of worship Thursday at 2:30pm with Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams preaching -- go to whttp://www.episcopalchurch.org/gchub. If you'd like to read blog posts from members of The Crossing community who are here at General Convention (including Chris Ashley and Jason Long), go to http://thecrossing-boston.blogspot.com. And to learn more about Episcopalians engaged in healing and justice around the world, go to http://www.e4gr.org.
what's going on @ the crossing ...
note: our last worship for the summer is july 23. then we take off july 30-all of august, returning september 3.
THIS THURSDAY @ 6pm / Worship and Fellowship
Penny Larson leads the month's gospel reflections, and Sue Spilecki helps us to have a deep conversation with God on paper (also known as journaling). AFTER WORSHIP: Join us for simple hospitality and stick around for our ritual procession to a nearby restaurant for cheap food and drinks. GETTING TO THE CROSSING: Across from Park St. T. PARKING: Validated parking @ Boston Common Garage on Charles Street (b/t Common and Public Garden). MORE INFO: Head to www.thecrossingboston.org.
EVERY TUESDAY THROUGH AUGUST @ 6:30-8pm / Come to the Center: A Centering Prayer Circle
NOTE LOCATION: DOWNTOWN @ The Paulist Center (across from Cathedral)
Keith Nelson and Matthew Turner lead this exploration of the ancient practice of Centering Prayer (think of it as Christian meditation). OPEN GROUP: beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome! DATES: Runs every Tuesday this summer. Come once, twice or every week. Just come find the center. LOCATION: Due to construction in the Cathedral community spaces this summer, the group will meet in nearby churches. Most Tuesdays at The Paulist Center -- a Catholic church across from Park St. T, about half-way up Park St (toward the State House; red door). NOTE: 7/28 and 8/25: St. John the Evangelist Church on Bowdoin Street. CONTACT: Keith Nelson, nelsonkr@gmail.com or 205.807.9037.
Two members of The Crossing community -- Chris Ashley and Marie Harkey -- are traveling with Church of the Advent-Boston to forge relationships with our brothers and sisters in Maseno, Kenya. We hope you'll want to support their ministry, learn about the struggles and hopes of the Kenyan people, and hear how we can all engage God's mission more deeply this fall. But it starts with raising the last $1,700 to send Chris and Marie to Kenya. CONTACT: Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com for more information or to make a contribution (checks to St. Paul's Cathedral, with "Crossing Priest Discretionary-Kenya" in the memo area). LEARN MORE: http://www.diomass.org/mission/AIDS_in_Africa.
community notes
Giving @ The Crossing -- An Update
We're at the halfway point in our annual giving goal of $20,000 in 2009. Please prayerfully consider making a one-time gift or start pledging (setting out an amount you'd like to give over the course of a year, and filling out a pledge card so we know we can count on your contribution). Give however you're able: cash, check or credit cards. CONTACT: Chris Ashley at chris.ashley@gmail.com.
InBetweenCrossings: groups.google.com/group/inbetweencrossings
You got stuff to share (a job, a couch, a theater gig you want people to attend …)? You need stuff (lost scarf, dog-sitter, a summer sublet …)? Log onto our new online forum to connect and share information about random community announcements -- including upcoming events, apartment sublets, job opportunities, lost-and-found, furniture exchange, help requests, etc.
Share the Groove -- Buy a copy of The Crossing CD
The Crossing has released its first CD, Songs @ The Crossing. It's a collection of 14 favorite songs from our worship community, and you can get it for $15. Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com or buy one on a Thursday.
Fair Trade @ The Crossing
Want to pitch in with our effort to become a Fair Trade Ministry? The first move: changes in hospitality (fair trade/organic food, eco-friendly products, re-usable dishes that we wash after worship). CONTACT: Bill Comer at bill.comer.jr@gmail.com or 617.818.5124. And join friends at Boston Faith and Justice Network as they put the spotlight on fair trade and justice issues locally and globally. Go to www.bostonfaithjustice.org for more info.
ongoing justice and healing ministries
We're serious about joining ministries that serve our homeless and hungry brothers and sisters. Please join us any day of the week!
** Monday Lunch Program: Cathedral every Monday, 10am to help with set-up, or 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. Contact Rev. Steph a revsteph@gmail.com.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed every day to help serve meals and provide care. Boylston St, near Chinatown. Contact Lynn Campbell at lynnmcam@aol.com.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See www.haleyhouse.org.
getting connected @ the crossing
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: revsteph@gmail.com / 617.482.4826, x318 (priest, communications, pastoral care)
** Jason Long: jlong@diomass.org / 617.482.4826, x311 (small groups & formation, newcomers)** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com (budget, hospitality)
** Lynn Campbell: lynnmcam@aol.com (ministries with the homeless)
** Kieran Conroy: kconroy42@gmail.com (emerging church connections)
** Ashley Merrell: ashleynmerrell@gmail.com (music ministry)
** Keith Nelson: nelsonkr@gmail.com (worship arts)
** Jenna Tucker: jenna.m.tucker@gmail.com (general admin)
Blessings in the groove,
Rev. Steph
Labels: alternative worship, Boston church, emergent, emerging church, Episcopal, evening service, gay christian, progressive Christian, progressive evangelical, young adult
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