Tuesday, September 01, 2009

warning: coming to church this thursday may be hazardous to life as you've known it

Be warned: we’re back at The Crossing THIS THURSDAY @ 6pm, and things are gonna be different. How? Hopefully we’re all refreshed after a month’s Sabbath (ah, that's different). Beloved members departed over the summer – some for school, some for new jobs, one for the moon (or at least to enter the astronaut training program in Houston). Some new faces will no doubt grace the circle. Scroll down to get details on all the new fall happenings.

But something else is different. Throughout the summer, God lit a fire among our leaders (and, I hope, in your hearts, too). A new leadership team has stepped up, entered deep prayer, deep reflection and deep conversation over the last month. And we’ve heard God calling: “I’ve got a dream for this world -- a dream of wholeness, justice, reconciliation, freedom. Will you become my apostles? Can I send you as my partners?” We’ve said yes, and crafted the statement below to capture the hope that drives us. We pray it speaks to the hope and commitment you feel as a member of The Crossing, too:

The Crossing is a community that seeks to walk in the life-changing, world-changing Way of Jesus, sharing the love, hope, beauty and justice of God in the city of Boston. Everybody is welcome to join as we gather for transformative worship, spiritual practice and authentic community; as we fuse the wisdom and mystery of ancient traditions with that of urban mystics, artists and activists; and as we move out to join God in healing, freeing and blessing all people, communities and the earth.

It’s big. So is God’s dream. But if we all take this mission seriously, take the gospel of Jesus seriously, even begin to love God with our whole hearts and souls and bodies and minds, share our stories and passions for God’s world, move into action together -- we will embody and spread the radical love of Jesus. People will see it in us, smell it on us, ask us about it, and jump into the fray with us. With Jesus, we will cross boundaries, knit communities together, rebuild shattered lives, heal hungers of all kinds, restore creation. (Deep breath, grab someone’s hand, lift your head). If you’ve been on the fence, it’s time to jump off. It’s time to do something big with God. Let’s make all the difference in this city ... and the world.

what's going on @ the crossing?
THIS THURSDAY @ 6pm / Worship and Fellowship

The hiatus is over and the party begins! Rev. Steph leads the night's gospel reflection (Mark 7:24-37), while Keith Nelson guides the spiritual practice of meditating on icons (and learning to see the world “iconically.”) AFTER WORSHIP: Join us for simple hospitality and stick around for our ritual procession to a nearby restaurant for cheap food and drinks. GETTING TO THE CROSSING: 138 Tremont St., across from Park St. T. PARKING: Validated parking @ Boston Common Garage on Charles Street (b/t Common and Public Garden). MORE INFO: Head to

SAT., 9/12 @ 10:30am-2pm / Days of Service and Remembrance for 9.11 -- in Brockton!
Join The Crossing as we travel to Brockton (south of Boston) to serve, pray and reflect on Sat., 9/12. It’s part of the National Days of Service and Remembrance commemorating the devastation of 9/11, and the DioMass Intern Program has organized a number of local sites (read all about it at http://911.diomassintern.org).

Our crew will help at
St Paul's Episcopal Church at 80 Pleasant Street in Brockton. No physical labor – walking the area to share info about their programs to serve their overwhelmingly poor neighborhood. CONTACT: Justin Harvey (our new Relational Evangelist), justin@diomassintern.org or 617.921.4784 if you’d like to volunteer, get a ride or find out more info.

Giving Thanks for Kenya – AND Raising the Last $600!
Be sure to ask Chris Ashley and Marie Harkey about their life-changing journey to Maseno, Kenya. You can also read their reflections at our community blog: http://thecrossing-boston.blogspot.com/. Now that they’ve returned, the focus shifts to all of us and how we engage God's mission more deeply this fall. And yes, contributions are welcome as we raise the final $600 to pay for their trip. CONTACT: Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com to make a contribution (checks to St. Paul's Cathedral, with "Crossing Priest Discretionary-Kenya" in the memo area). LEARN MORE: http://www.diomass.org/mission/AIDS_in_Africa.

community notes
Making Music Together

Our new music director, Jamie Urquhart, wants to know the songs that most stir your heart. And if you like making music -- singing, playing an instrument, writing -- let her know that, too. CONTACT: Jamie at jlynnu@hotmail.com to share favorite titles or your musical talent.

Giving @ The Crossing -- An Update
We're past halfway toward our annual giving goal of $20,000 in 2009, but it’s gonna take a generous four months to meet our goal. Please prayerfully consider making a one-time gift or start pledging (setting out an amount you'd like to give over the course of a year, and filling out a pledge card so we know we can count on your contribution). Give however you're able: cash, check or credit cards. CONTACT: Chris Ashley at chris.ashley@gmail.com.

InBetweenCrossings: groups.google.com/group/inbetweencrossings
You got stuff to share (a job, a couch, a theater gig you want people to attend …)? You need stuff (lost scarf, dog-sitter, an apartment sublet …)? Log onto our online forum to connect and share information about random community announcements -- including upcoming events, apartment sublets, job opportunities, lost-and-found, furniture exchange, help requests, etc.

ongoing justice and healing ministries
Here are just a few ways to link and serve. If you are engaged in justice and social action and want to invite others to partner with you? Reply to this email and we’ll list the event or program, along with your contact info!

** Monday Lunch Program: Cathedral every Monday, 10am to help with set-up, or 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com.

** Boston Faith and Justice Network: Build awareness, relationships and action around fair trade and justice issues locally and globally. Go to www.bostonfaithjustice.org for more info.

getting connected @ the crossing
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: revsteph@gmail.com / 617.482.4826, x318 (priest & lead organizer, communications, pastoral care)
** Jason Long: jlong@diomass.org (minister for community life, small groups)
** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com
** Marie Harkey: mharkey@gmail.com (worship arts)
** Justin Harvey: justin@diomassintern.org (relational evangelism, justice)
** Penny Larson: penny@pennylarson.net (outreach)
** Keith Nelson: nelsonkr@gmail.com (spiritual formation)
** Lispeth Nutt: lispethn@gmail.com (web mistress)
** Travis Stevens: tstevens@hds.harvard.edu
** Jenna Tucker: jenna.m.tucker@gmail.com
** Jamie Urquhart: jlynnu@hotmail.com (music director)
** Kirsten Wesselhoeft: kirsten.m.w@gmail.com
** Julia Wilkinson: jwilkinson@hds.harvard.edu (admin, groovement)
** Michael Zahniser: michael@zahniser.net

Blessings in the groove,
Rev. Steph

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