Monday, May 03, 2010

to love as jesus loves

(posted to crossing community on april 26)

About 2 weeks ago, 35 folks from The Crossing community
joined hundreds of people in pledging to share 1% of our time and/or money for justice and to put our hope into action. At The Crossing, we voted to pour our collective resources into mentoring queer homeless youth OR advocating for transgender civil rights legislation and inclusion.
Our energy and action is URGENTLY needed right now: to lobby the state legislature and/or to train as facilitators for conversations in area churches beginning to welcome trans people. Scroll down for the details!
  • Maybe you're not sure where you stand on these issues. If you know our community, then you know I won't throw down a gauntlet and tell you what to do. But I can't help but share a piece of my own journey: I've been praying for a couple of days with the gospel for this Thursday. It's John 13:31-35 -- Jesus tells his disciples about the final commandment he's leaving them to live out: "love one another, just as I have loved you." As I write my letters to state legislators, as I ask bishops to stand up, and as I attend the training, I won't be doing it as a partisan political crusader. I'll be doing it because I love Jesus and I want to make sure everyone else knows the fullness and protection of his love. I'll be doing it because this is a concrete way that I can love others as Jesus has loved me. Where will you love like that? It's an open question, one I hope you'll pray with ... and then act on.

this week @ the crossing
THURSDAYS @ 6pm // Worship and Community
Julia Wilkinson finishes April with a closer look at Jesus' simplest and perhaps most challenging request of all: LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Bill Comer leads our spiritual practice: sitting quietly in the presence of God.
  • BEFORE WORSHIP: Come at 4:45pm to help with worship set-up or 5:30pm to join the prayer circle.
  • AFTER WORSHIP: Stay for cheap food at Fajitas n Ritas and THEN Episco-Disco
  • BY SUBWAY: 138 Tremont St -- across from Park St T stop (Red or Green Line); near Downtown Crossing T (Orange)
  • PARKING: Boston Common Garage, Charles Street between Boston Common and Public Garden
  • FOR MORE INFO: Head to our website --
EPISCO-DISCO // This Thurs., 4/29, after Worship
Like to dance? Like to pray? We're sure to do both at Episco-Disco, our monthly outing to a local club for dancing and community after worship. The venue will be close by and have a modest cover, and our focus is on dancing and opening to the Spirit. CONTACT Travis at

HOPE IN ACTION @ THE CROSSING // Letters & calls NOW; Training Thurs., May 6 after worship OR Sun., May 9 @ 2-4pm
It's time for action! Here are two ways to live out your 1% commitment to action that makes a difference -- CONTACT Natalie at for lots more info.
  • The State Legislature is gearing up to finally consider a stalled bill that would add sexual expression to the state's non-discrimination clause, at last granting trans people protection from discrimination in housing, jobs, public accommodations and so much more. The forces against the legislation are already stepping out, so we need to be a force for love. Please consider writing a letter, calling a legislator or praying. Go to for info.
  • Sign up for one of the two trainings for Crossing folks committed to the Hope in Action campaign: next Thursday after worship or the following Sunday afternoon. We will watch the film about The Crossing and transgendered community (made last November and premiered at Fenway Community Health Center last month). Then we'll get trained to teach a curriculum that will help other communities of faith to become more aware, more welcoming and more loving with transgendered people.

SPEAKING OF FAITH SMALL GROUPS AT THE CROSSING // This Sat., 5/1 @ 4-6pm at 40 Prescott St. in Brookline, running 5 weeks
Speaking of Faith is one of the most popular programs on public radio, and one of the most engaging religious conversations going on today. Partnering with the Episcopal Church, they’ve created a new curriculum for small groups that combines audio clips, small group formation and fascinating questions on life and faith today. The Crossing will serve as one of only a few pilot sites nationwide, and all are welcome to join.
  • TOPIC: 5 sessions on “Einstein’s God: Science and Faith.”
  • CONTACT Jason at or 617.519.1538.
  • LOCATION: 40 Prescott St. home of the BU chaplaincy and the Life Together intern program (easily accessible via Green Line: C to St. Mary's or B to BU Central, then walk 5 min.)

GREETERS'/NEWCOMERS TEAM BRUNCH // This Sun., May 2 @ 11am-12:30pm at Justin Harvey's house in Roslindale
If you've got a heart for hospitality, come to enjoy brunch and brainstorming at the home of our Minister for Justice and Outreach, Justin Harvey, next Sunday in Roslindale (close to the J.P. border). Open to all who would like 1) to greet, 2) to help welcome newcomers, 3) to help with after-worship food, 4) to offer feedback and insights on your own experience of welcome at The Crossing. Let's practice what we preach! RSVP by FRIDAY, 4/30, to Justin at

coming up @ the crossing
As a community, we've grown a lot, learned a lot, offered a lot and received even more this year. On Thursday, May 13, we'll take time to celebrate what God has made possible among us. Plan to stay after worship as we mark milestones and lessons learned AND say good-byes and thank yous to folks who are heading out for the summer AND look ahead as a community. CONTACT Julia at to help with planning.

We're a year-round church, but lots of our leaders live on a student schedule. That means May-July are big turnover months! Starting next month, we'll need help with lots of basics: worship sheets, worship space, hospitality, collecting & counting the offering. If you'll have time or know someone with a field education or volunteer requirement to fulfill this summer, please CONTACT Rev. Steph at or 617.482.4826, x318.

community life @ the crossing

6pm at Episcopal Divinity School // Community Dinner + Prayer (generally weekly)

Join this relaxed, weekly gathering of Crossing folks and EDS students. Come if you're hungry. Come if you're curious about starting an intentional community. Come if you're in the neighborhood. Just come!

CONTACT Michael at to confirm it's happening and get location.

SATURDAYS and WEDNESDAYS // Covenant Groups (weekly)
Our Covenant Groups are no longer open to new participants, but stay tuned for more opportunities to gather with Crossing members to share stories, wisdom and the Christian journey. CONTACT Jason at

EVERY OTHER MONDAY @ 6:30-8pm // Neighborhood Action+Reflection Circles (every other week, thru 5/17)
These new small groups are dedicated to building community, sinking roots into our neighborhoods and engaging in justice and service to bless the communities where we live. Meet every other week, alternating between sharing stories and community in one gathering, and heading into action the next time. CONTACT Justin at to learn more.

Follow this link to learn all about our Small Groups and Formation Offerings or contact our Minister for Community Life, Jason Long, at

Praying to love like Jesus ...

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Blogger Unknown said...

trị hôi miệng cho ngừoi hút thuốc láBánh mì có thể không đầy đủ dinh dưỡng nhưng lại được xem là người bạn tốt của dạ dày và là siêu thực phẩm cho người bị trào ngược dạ dày thực quản.
bệnh hôi miệng chữa trị như thế nàoDo có khả năng hút “axit” giúp làm giảm lượng axit trong dạ dày, hạn chế các thương tổn do những axit này gây ra cho dạ dày
những nguyên nhân gây hôi miệngBên cạnh đó, nó còn cung cấp nguồn vitamin dồi dào cho cơ thể, vừa giúp cải thiện tình trạng ợ chua, ợ nóng ở của bệnh trào ngược dạ dày thực quản.

bị hôi miệng có lây khôngHôi miệng đến từ bệnh về đường hô hấp bao gồm viêm xoang kinh niên, nhiễm trùng kinh niên phổi, ung thư phổi, viêm cuống họng,
chữa hôi miệng bằng thuốc đông yVới đôi tay tận tụy quan tâm của người thầy thuốc, cùng với các loại thảo dược từ thiên nhiên đã cho ra đời Tỳ Bách Thảo – thảo dược đông y này giúp hỗ trợ việc điều trị hôi miệng
làm thế nào để hết hôi miệngHôi miệng đến từ bệnh về đường hô hấp bao gồm viêm xoang kinh niên, nhiễm trùng kinh niên phổi, ung thư phổi, viêm cuống họng,

6:12 AM  

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