Wednesday, March 17, 2010

let evening come

It is so bright outside. I could barely sleep this morning as the sun stole through my carefully drawn blinds and curtains. So I went ahead and got up, shoved the drapes aside and said, "Alright, God, bring it!" I felt downright sassy, meeting God and meeting the day with such fierce hopefulness.

And yet, there is something about Lent that feels heavier and darker, and makes many of us feel vulnerable and tired. Even as I walk around all bold and bad in the sun, it's as if it is night somewhere deep inside me, and I need the reassurance of God's presence in that darkness. Talking to folks in our community, I know many share this desert journey. Maybe that's why this poem by Jane Kenyon touched me today, and why I share it with you. You may not need it today. But eventually, everywhere, evening comes. Let it come. God is there.

"Let Evening Come" by Jane Kenyon

Let the light of late afternoon
shine through chinks in the barn, moving
up the bales as the sun moves down.

Let the cricket take up chafing
as a woman takes up her needles
and her yarn. Let evening come.

Let dew collect on the hoe abandoned
in long grass. Let the stars appear
and the moon disclose her silver horn.

Let the fox go back to its sandy den.
Let the wind die down. Let the shed
go black inside. Let evening come.

To the bottle in the ditch, to the scoop
in the oats, to air in the lung
let evening come.

Let it come, as it will, and don't
be afraid. God does not leave us
comfortless, so let evening come.

this week @ the crossing
THURSDAYS @ 6pm // Worship and Community
Jana Yeaton guides our reflection on John 12 -- the story of Mary bathing Jesus' feet with her tears and hair, and the question of how we pray and honor Jesus with our bodies. Jason Long takes us deeper with small groups as a spiritual practice.
  • BEFORE WORSHIP: Come at 4:45pm to help with worship set-up or 5:30pm to join the prayer circle.
  • AFTER WORSHIP: Stay for "Everybody Does Theology: What Happened on the Cross?"
  • BY SUBWAY: 138 Tremont St -- across from Park St T stop (Red or Green Line); near Downtown Crossing T (Orange)
  • PARKING: Boston Common Garage, Charles Street between Boston Common and Public Garden
  • FOR MORE INFO: Head to our website --

THIS THURSDAY after WORSHIP // Everybody Does Theology -- Topic: "What Happened on the Cross?"
Stay after worship for our monthly, wide open discussion of big theological questions. Just in time for Holy Week, we will discuss the cross, sin and atonement. CONTACT Keith Nelson at or Marie Harkey at

THIS SUNDAY @ 5-7:30pm // Community Potluck Dinner at Dani Morello's Home in Brookline
Every 3rd Sunday, we share dinner at a community member's home and everyone's welcome. This Sunday, Dani Morello hosts at her home in Brookline. Be warned: her cupcakes will have you shouting "alle---a!" well before Easter. RSVP to Dani at or 305.345.2000 by Friday AND tell the dish you're bringing (she'll provide a main dish and cupcakes). LOCATION: 26 Verndale St., Brookline (two blocks from B Line, Harvard Ave. stop).

THIS MONDAY, 3/22 @ 6-8:30pm // Join Hope In Action for
The Crossing Film Screening and Panel Discussion @ Fenway Community Health Center + Letter-Writing to State Legislature
In November, Emerson student Jesse Begenyi filmed a documentary among us telling the story of a Christian community that stands with transgendered people, and vice versa. Please join our Hope In Action Team and come out to see the film, share discussion and share God's love with our neighbors at Fenway Community Health Center. LOCATION:
1340 Boylston St., Boston, 8 min. walk from Kenmore or Fenway T; see signs @ building entrance for room location
. CONTACT Penny at

NOTE: From 6 to 6:30pm, we'll be doing letter-writing to the State Legislature supporting the stalled bill for Transgender Civil Rights. Learn more at CONTACT Natalie at for info on the Hope In Action Campaign for Justice.

holy week @ the crossing
THURS., 4/1 @ 6-8pm // Maundy Thursday Agape Meal
The entire Cathedral community will join us for a reflective service that commemorates Jesus' last night with his friends. Features Agape Meal, foot-washing and stripping of the altars. Help us to welcome the Chinese congregation, the Cathedral Sunday morning congregation and the Common Cathedral ministry with homeless people. CONTACT Marie Harkey at to help with planning or greeting.

SAT., 4/3 @ 7-9pm // Rise Up: A Soulful Easter Vigil @ The Crossing
The Easter Vigil is the most ancient and beloved service in the church. Our Soulful Easter Vigil shares the ancient story of creation and redemption -- retold by local storytellers and poets, set to spirituals and the blues. Then we burst into a music-rich celebration of the first Eucharist of Easter. Bishop Tom Shaw will celebrate -- his first time with us at The Crossing! -- and several Crossing members will be welcomed into the Episcopal Church. CONTACT Rev. Steph at to help with planning, greeting, hospitality or storytelling.

in the wider community
NEXT WED., 3/24 @ 7pm at Northeastern Univ. // Peterson Toscano's "Transfigurations: Transgressing Gender in the Bible"
In this one-person play, Peterson Toscano unearths transgender Bible characters -- those people who do not fit in the gender binary and yet land at the center of some the Bible's most important stories. LOCATION: 305 Shillman Hall -- 360 Huntington Ave. INFO:

ongoing small groups and formation
SATURDAYS and WEDNESDAYS // Covenant Groups (weekly)
The Covenant Groups are no longer open to new participants, but stay tuned for more opportunities to gather with Crossing members to share stories, wisdom and the Christian journey. CONTACT Jason at

EVERY OTHER MONDAY @ 6:30-8pm // Neighborhood Action+Reflection Circles (every other week, thru 5/17)
These new small groups are dedicated to building community, sinking roots into our neighborhoods and engaging in justice and service to bless the communities where we live. Meet every other week, alternating between sharing stories and community in one gathering, and heading into action the next time. CONTACT Justin at to learn more.


6pm at Episcopal Divinity School // Community Dinner + Prayer (weekly, as announced)

Join this relaxed, weekly gathering of Crossing folks and EDS students. Come if you're hungry. Come if you're curious about starting an intentional community. Come if you're in the neighborhood. Just come!

CONTACT TJ at or Michael at to confirm it's happening and get location.

Follow this link to learn all about our Small Groups and Formation Offerings or contact our Minister for Community Life, Jason Long, at

ongoing crossing community info
InBetweenCrossings: Log on and view or share all kinds of random community notices: furniture, apartment sublets, concerts, lost and found, play dates. If you want to share it with our community, start here.

Giving @ The Crossing: follow the link to learn about sharing your money or your prayers with The Crossing -- it's a spiritual practice that we're grateful to invite people into. We raise a huge chunk of the money for this ministry among our own members (the rest comes from grants we apply for and from generous support from our Cathedral and Bishops). To make an ongoing pledge, fill out a card at worship or CONTACT Chris at

Justice and Service @ The Crossing: Follow the link for info on particular volunteer opportunities and organizations that are close to our community's heart.

Meet Our Crew: The Crossing is led by a team of amazing, creative and faithful young adults. Follow the link to meet them and see who you might contact to more deeply engage our community.

Blessings on the journey through night and into the day ...

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