god is good, all the time; and all the time ...
... God is good! There's lots to celebrate in this season of change. Exams are winding up (hey, some folks have graduated!). Others are out job-hunting and, God willing, job-finding. On The Crossing front, I'm so happy I could dance, 'cuz -- thanks to a whole lot of people pouring out love, words, dreams and prayers -- we've received ALL the grants we applied for to support our ministry in the coming year. Goodbyes are on the horizon (sniff-sniff), but for right now, let's say "thank you" one more time, starting Thursday night ...
What's Going on @ The Crossing?
NEED XTRA MONEY? / Interns are splitting, so we're looking for office help this summer. Come in from 3-6pm on Thursdays, help with worship sheets and set-up; stay to worship. What could be easier? $11/hr, 3 hrs/week, May 29-July 24. Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com.
TONIGHT / Worship @ 6:30pm, Spiritual practice @ 6pm: Every Thursday, we worship and engage in spiritual practice -- it's how we give thanks, ask forgiveness, open to God's transforming Spirit, get steeped in the vision and soul-power of God. This month, Ben Garren and Jason Long team up to offer scripture reflections, while Kevin Casey leads centering spiritual practices. Subway: Park Street (red or green line) or Downtown Crossing (orange line). Driving: For $3, we validate parking at Boston Common Garage (Charles Street b/t the Common and Public Gardens.) More info: www.thecrossingboston.org.
MON., 5/26 @ 6:30pm / Harvard Square Scripture Chat: We head to Grendel's Den on 2nd and 4th Mondays for a relaxed Bible Study focused on our stories/God's story (not who's got the most verses memorized). Half-price menu and cheap drinks sweeten the deal. Grendel's Den: Corner of JFK St & Winthrop St, between Peet's Coffee and Staples in Harvard Square. Contact Chris at chris.ashley@gmail.com or 312.451.5124.
TUE., 6/3 @ 7pm / Boston Emergent Cohort: Join the Emergent Cohort at Danny's Diner in Somerville and share the emergent conversation, rich community and a direct plug into God's radical dream as it's breaking out all over our region. Click here for info on the Boston Emergent Cohort AND cohorts of all sorts.
Burmese Cyclone Relief: First of all, please pray for the tens of thousands who have died, and for the exponentially more who will suffer in Burma for years to come. Then, dig deep and make a contribution that provides immediate relief and invests in long-term solutions. One way is through Episcopal Relief and Development's Emergency Relief Fund: donate online at www.er-d.org or send a check to PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116.
Kupenda Ministry in Kenya: Our $2-a-Day journey with the Boston Emergent Cohort and Harvard Divinity students may be over, but the action has to keep going. One important way is by giving the money you saved while eating on $2-a-Day (or just what you want to give) to Kupenda, an incredible ministry that assists disabled children in Kenya. For info, go to www.bostoncohort.blogspot.com or straight to Kupenda: www.kupenda.org.
Ministries with Poor People in Boston: We're closely connected to three downtown ministries with homeless and hungry people:
** Monday Lunch Program takes place here at The Cathedral every Monday. Show up @ 10am to help with set-up, or at 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community. Contact Hal Carter at halcott.carter@gmail.com or 425.238.0505.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed everyday to help serve meals and provide care. Contact Lynn Campbell at lynnmcam@aol.com or 617.654.1212.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could also use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See www.haleyhouse.org or contact Christine Evans at cevans@haleyhouse.org.
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: revsteph@gmail.com (priest, communications, newcomers)
** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com (scripture chat, hospitality)
** Lynn Campbell: lynnmcam@aol.com (ministries with the homeless)
** Hal Carter: halcott.carter@gmail.com (logistics, ministries with the homeless)
** Ben Garren: bgarren@alumni.unc.edu (worship/creative stuff)
** Anna Gerdeen: agerdeen@gmail.com (emergent cohort)
** Jason Long: jason.long.1@googlemail.com (small groups)
** Ashley Merrell: amerrell@berklee.net (music ministry)
** Kirsten Wesselhoeft: kirsten.m.w@gmail.com (justice and service, newcomers)
What's Going on @ The Crossing?
NEED XTRA MONEY? / Interns are splitting, so we're looking for office help this summer. Come in from 3-6pm on Thursdays, help with worship sheets and set-up; stay to worship. What could be easier? $11/hr, 3 hrs/week, May 29-July 24. Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com.
TONIGHT / Worship @ 6:30pm, Spiritual practice @ 6pm: Every Thursday, we worship and engage in spiritual practice -- it's how we give thanks, ask forgiveness, open to God's transforming Spirit, get steeped in the vision and soul-power of God. This month, Ben Garren and Jason Long team up to offer scripture reflections, while Kevin Casey leads centering spiritual practices. Subway: Park Street (red or green line) or Downtown Crossing (orange line). Driving: For $3, we validate parking at Boston Common Garage (Charles Street b/t the Common and Public Gardens.) More info: www.thecrossingboston.org.
MON., 5/26 @ 6:30pm / Harvard Square Scripture Chat: We head to Grendel's Den on 2nd and 4th Mondays for a relaxed Bible Study focused on our stories/God's story (not who's got the most verses memorized). Half-price menu and cheap drinks sweeten the deal. Grendel's Den: Corner of JFK St & Winthrop St, between Peet's Coffee and Staples in Harvard Square. Contact Chris at chris.ashley@gmail.com or 312.451.5124.
TUE., 6/3 @ 7pm / Boston Emergent Cohort: Join the Emergent Cohort at Danny's Diner in Somerville and share the emergent conversation, rich community and a direct plug into God's radical dream as it's breaking out all over our region. Click here for info on the Boston Emergent Cohort AND cohorts of all sorts.
Burmese Cyclone Relief: First of all, please pray for the tens of thousands who have died, and for the exponentially more who will suffer in Burma for years to come. Then, dig deep and make a contribution that provides immediate relief and invests in long-term solutions. One way is through Episcopal Relief and Development's Emergency Relief Fund: donate online at www.er-d.org or send a check to PO Box 7058, Merrifield, VA 22116.
Kupenda Ministry in Kenya: Our $2-a-Day journey with the Boston Emergent Cohort and Harvard Divinity students may be over, but the action has to keep going. One important way is by giving the money you saved while eating on $2-a-Day (or just what you want to give) to Kupenda, an incredible ministry that assists disabled children in Kenya. For info, go to www.bostoncohort.blogspot.com or straight to Kupenda: www.kupenda.org.
Ministries with Poor People in Boston: We're closely connected to three downtown ministries with homeless and hungry people:
** Monday Lunch Program takes place here at The Cathedral every Monday. Show up @ 10am to help with set-up, or at 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community. Contact Hal Carter at halcott.carter@gmail.com or 425.238.0505.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed everyday to help serve meals and provide care. Contact Lynn Campbell at lynnmcam@aol.com or 617.654.1212.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could also use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See www.haleyhouse.org or contact Christine Evans at cevans@haleyhouse.org.
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: revsteph@gmail.com (priest, communications, newcomers)
** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com (scripture chat, hospitality)
** Lynn Campbell: lynnmcam@aol.com (ministries with the homeless)
** Hal Carter: halcott.carter@gmail.com (logistics, ministries with the homeless)
** Ben Garren: bgarren@alumni.unc.edu (worship/creative stuff)
** Anna Gerdeen: agerdeen@gmail.com (emergent cohort)
** Jason Long: jason.long.1@googlemail.com (small groups)
** Ashley Merrell: amerrell@berklee.net (music ministry)
** Kirsten Wesselhoeft: kirsten.m.w@gmail.com (justice and service, newcomers)
Labels: alternative worship, emerging church, Episcopal, evening service, progressive Christian, soul music, young adult