Wednesday, July 29, 2009

going somewhere?

This week is the first official week of our summer hiatus, but you wouldn't know it from the life in this place! Saturday and Sunday, a group of our key leaders did some BEAUTIFUL work crafting a vision and goals for the next two years at The Crossing. On Sunday, Lispeth Nutt hosted a yummy dinner at her home. This Tuesday at 6:30pm, the Centering Prayer folks continue to be still and listen to God (@ St. John's Episcopal Church on Bowdoin Street, the alt location). And Thursday at 6-6:30pm, all are welcome to come out for a super-scaled back weekly gathering where Crossing folks will share prayer, chant and community on Boston Common (volunteers needed -- see below!).

Please read on for details on these happenings and lots more (including the first draft of our new Mission Statement -- how we hear God calling us to join God's mission as a community!). And as the summer unfolds, please send up a special prayer for four members of our community doing a different kind of summer travel: Chris Ashley and Marie Harkey (raising money now to head to Kenya next month), Alicia Ziegler (headed to New York in September with XXX Church; donate to Alicia's work:, and Steven Gire (currently doing research and mission in Nigeria). God uses all our hands to bring healing, but these four offer us a powerful witness of how far the love and justice of God can travel. Amen? Amen!

what's going on @ the crossing?
In three weeks, two members of The Crossing community -- Chris Ashley and Marie Harkey -- travel to forge relationships with our brothers and sisters in Maseno, Kenya. The tickets have been bought, but it was a faith leap. We still need to raise the last $800 to send Chris and Marie to Kenya. CONTACT: Chris at for info. Contact Rev. Steph via email at if you plan to make a donation (checks made out to St. Paul's Cathedral, with "Crossing Priest Discretionary-Kenya" in the memo area -- mail to 138 Tremont St., Boston MA 02111). LEARN MORE:

EVERY TUESDAY THIS SUMMER @ 6:30-8pm / Come to the Center: A Centering Prayer Circle
NOTE LOCATION FOR 7.28: DOWNTOWN @ St. John the Evangelist on Bowdoin Street, behind the State House
Keith Nelson leads this exploration of the ancient practice of Centering Prayer (think of it as Christian meditation). OPEN GROUP: beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome! DATES: Runs every Tuesday this summer. Come once, twice or every week. LOCATION: Due to construction in the Cathedral community spaces this summer, the group will meet in nearby churches. Most Tuesdays at The Paulist Center -- a Catholic church across from Park St. T, about half-way up Park St (toward the State House; red door). NOTE: 7/28 and 8/25: St. John the Evangelist Church on Bowdoin Street. CONTACT: Keith Nelson, or 205.807.9037.

THIS THURSDAY @ 6-6:30pm / Crossing Community Prayer Gatherings on The Common
Think of it as The Crossing Unplugged -- chant, silence, reflection on Holy Words, prayer for ourselves and our world. These simple prayer gatherings on Boston Common will provide space for us to keep a lively connection with God and community. Come to the church porch for directions to our spot on the park -- likely on the quiet grassy upper area near the State House. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you'd like to do a reading, lead prayer or otherwise help out, CONTACT Kieran Conroy: or 845.781.3706.

MONDAY, 8.3 @6-7pm / Urban Adventure: Yoga on the Esplanade
Bring a mat and relax! Unwind with free yoga on the Charles River Esplanade from 6-7pm. Bring photo ID, water, and comfortable clothing. A limited number of yoga mats will be available for the class. All ages and abilities welcome.

We will meet at the grassy area in front of the Hatch Shell at 5:45pm. By the T: Red Line, Charles/MGH stop. Walk across the footbridge at Charles Circle and head left (upstream) along the river to the Hatch Shell. Green Line, Arlington Station: Walk north (toward the river) on Arlington Street and David Mugar Way, and cross on the Fiedler Footbridge to the Hatch Shell. Rain Date: 8/10. Crossing folks: RSVP by 8/2 by contacting Kim Hudson at or 781-664-0254 or Laura Kraybill Namaste!

And stay tuned for news of our weeend outings, every few weeks throughout the summer. Contact Kim or Laura for details.

PLUS: THIS FRIDAY @ 8:30-11am and SATURDAY, 10am-4pm / Moving Help for DioMass Intern Program
Let's help our friends in the DioMass Intern Program as they get set for an influx of new Relational Evangelists and Micah interns moving to the area later this summer. Everything from lifting not-so-heavy boxes to painting and prepping the house for occupants. Good food and good people abound! The work is happening Friday morning and Saturday for most of the day at St. Luke's-St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Allston (5 Saint Lukes Rd; 66 bus or B Line to Packard's Corner). CONTACT: Jason at or 617.519.1538. Learn more about the program

community notes
Giving @ The Crossing -- An Update
We're at the halfway point in our annual giving goal of $20,000 in 2009. Please prayerfully consider making a one-time gift or start pledging (setting out an amount you'd like to give over the course of a year, and filling out a pledge card so we know we can count on your contribution). Give however you're able: cash, check or credit cards. CONTACT: Chris Ashley at

You got stuff to share (a job, a couch, a theater gig you want people to attend …)? You need stuff (lost scarf, dog-sitter, a summer sublet …)? Log onto our new online forum to connect and share information about random community announcements -- including upcoming events, apartment sublets, job opportunities, lost-and-found, furniture exchange, help requests, etc.

Share the Groove -- Buy a copy of The Crossing CD
The Crossing has released its first CD, Songs @ The Crossing. It's a collection of 14 favorite songs from our worship community, and you can get it for $15. Email Rev. Steph or buy one on a Thursday.

Fair Trade @ The Crossing
Want to pitch in with our effort to become a Fair Trade Ministry? The first move: changes in hospitality (fair trade/organic food, eco-friendly products, re-usable dishes that we wash after worship). CONTACT: Bill Comer at or 617.818.5124. And join friends at Boston Faith and Justice Network as they put the spotlight on fair trade and justice issues locally and globally. Go to for more info.

ongoing justice and healing ministries
We're serious about joining ministries that serve our homeless and hungry brothers and sisters. Please join us any day of the week!

** Monday Lunch Program: Cathedral every Monday, 10am to help with set-up, or 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. Contact Rev. Steph at

** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed every day to help serve meals and provide care. Boylston St, near Chinatown. Lynn Campbell, our link to St. Francis House, is on her way to seminary. But if you'd like to help out, call (617) 542-4211 or go to

getting connected @ the crossing
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: / 617.482.4826, x318
(priest, communications, pastoral care)
** Jason Long: / 617.482.4826, x311 (small groups & formation, newcomers)
** Chris Ashley: (budget, hospitality)
** Kieran Conroy: (emerging church connections)
** Jamie Urquhart:
jly (music ministry)
** Keith Nelson: (worship arts)
** Jenna Tucker: (general admin)

mission @ the crossing
Here is the first draft of our mission statement, crafted just before this weekend's retreat as a way of sparking and grounding our reflections. Throughout the summer, Crossing leaders Chris Ashley, Kieran Conroy, Marie Harkey, Penny Larson, Jason Long, Keith Nelson, Jenna Tucker, Michael Zahniser and I will be working on a host of specific goals and commitments that rise from our mission (wordsmiths Michael and Jenna will also take a second look at the Mission statement, based on feedback). Please pray for us! And stay tuned for more info about the Mission and Goals and how we can all listen for God's calling in this community.

The Crossing Mission Statement: God's Calling Upon Us

The Crossing is a community of sisters and brothers living a compassionate and hopeful expression of God’s love and justice in the city of Boston. Everybody is welcome to join as we gather for transformative worship, spiritual practice and authentic community; as we head out to heal, protect and bless people, communities and the earth; as we fuse the wisdom of ancient traditions with the reality of urban life; and as we follow in the life-changing, world-changing Way of Jesus.

I pray you're as excited as we are about living out this mission. Don't wait 'til it's finalized to start living it out!

With blessings, love and hope, all rooted in the heart of jesus,
Rev. Steph

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