Wednesday, May 26, 2010

come, spirit, come

Oooo, it's hot! And while the Cathedral doesn't have much in the way of air conditioning, we can count on the fresh breeze of the Holy Spirit blowing through. This week marks the opening of the season of Pentecost. If you're marking your liturgical calendar (check one out here), then you'll see that Pentecost is the moment when God the Holy Spirit comes sweeping into our communities, giving us the power not just to worship Jesus but to actually embody him and live as his body holding the world. If that sounds like it changes everything, it does. And it's definitely worth celebrating.

coming up @ the crossing
WORSHIP and COMMUNITY // Thursdays @ 6pm
Adwoa Lewis Wilson closes the month by opening the door to Pentecost. The spiritual practice is led by Natalie Finstad, who will get us back into our bodies and closer to God.
  • BEFORE WORSHIP: Come at 4:45pm to help with worship set-up or 5:30pm to join the prayer circle
  • AFTER WORSHIP: Join us for cheap food and fun at Fajitas n Ritas and THEN Episco-Disco at a local dance club
  • BY SUBWAY: 138 Tremont St -- across from Park St T stop (Red or Green Line); near Downtown Crossing T (Orange)
  • PARKING: Boston Common Garage, Charles Street between Boston Common and Public Garden
  • FOR MORE INFO: Head to our website --
EPISCO-DISCO // THIS Thursday (4th Thursdays) after Worship
What better way to embody Jesus than to celebrate life on the dance floor? We share our monthly spiritual practice at a local club that's 1) walking distance from the church and 2) got a very low cover (often free). CONTACT Travis at

TRAINING for HOPE IN ACTION // Next Thursday, June 3, after Worship (8-9:30pm)
We're hosting one more training for people who want to facilitate discussions around transgender inclusion at local churches and organizations, using Jesse Begenyi's documentary short film "The Crossing" as the conversation starter. Read under "justice and service @ the crossing" for more details about the Hope in Action campaign and getting engaged.

PRIDE PARADE // Saturday, June 12, ~11am-2pm in Boston's South End
The Crossing will lead the Episcopal crew marching in the Boston's LGBT
Pride Parade. An amazing day to share the love and life of God out in the open! Starts in the South End (precise starting location TBA) and ending at Boston's City Hall Plaza near Government Center. I
f you'd like to 1) help with planning and prep, 2) be part of the Episco-Disco Dancers or 3) just march, then

If you or someone you know needs a field education or social service internship for the 2010-2011 academic year, please CONTACT Rev. Steph at or 617.482.4826, x318. We love hosting interns and are building this fall's team now!

community life @ the crossing
The Community Life crew gathers this week to plan for summer fun at The Crossing. We continue to worship and gather and serve all summer long, so if you'll be around, then stay connected. And if you've got ideas for community life in the summer -- Kickball? Day trips? Movie nights? Dinner at your house? Pool parties? A paint day at the Waltham House for LGBT homeless youth -- CONTACT Jason at

We gather to pray at worship, but the prayers for our community and our world need to keep running throughout the week, throughout every moment. Feel free to reply to this email with your own prayer needs, or write prayers for yourself or others and place them in the bowl on any Thursday (put a star if you'd like to share it). Here are some prayers I'm carrying -- I hope you'll make time for them, as well:
  • Please pray for our leadership as we launch a search for a new Minister for Community Life, to begin in mid-August. Tell somebody!
  • Please give thanks for all the folks who are graduating or just graduated, and for all who are moving soon (we send you with blessing!).
  • Pray for Tyler Bridge, who is in Discernment for Holy Orders at The Crossing; and for his entire awesome Discernment Committee; and for everyone discerning big life decisions at this time of transitions.

justice & service @ the crossing
As a part of the city-wide Hope in Action campaign -- shepherded by our partners in the Life Together young adult intern program in the Diocese of Massachusetts -- many of us have made a
1% commitment to action that makes a difference. CONTACT our Hope in Action Strategy Leader Natalie Finstad at for lots more info. Here's the most recent news:
  • The State Legislature has another month to consider the stalled bill that would add sexual expression to the state's non-discrimination clause, at last granting transgender people protection from discrimination in housing, jobs, public accommodations and so much more. Please consider writing a letter, calling a legislator and/or praying. Go to for info.

general crossing community info
InBetweenCrossings: Log on and view or share all kinds of random community notices: furniture, apartment sublets, concerts, lost and found, play dates. If you want to share it with our community, start here.

Giving @ The Crossing: follow the link to learn about sharing your money or your prayers with The Crossing -- it's a spiritual practice that we're grateful to invite people into. We raise a huge chunk of the money for this ministry among our own members (the rest comes from grants we apply for and from generous support from our Cathedral and Bishops). To make an ongoing pledge, fill out a card at worship or CONTACT Chris at

Justice and Service @ The Crossing: Follow the link for info on particular volunteer opportunities and organizations that are close to our community's heart.

Meet Our Crew: The Crossing is led by a team of amazing, creative and faithful young adults. Follow the link to meet them and see who you might contact to more deeply engage our community.

Come, Holy Spirit!

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