Thursday, October 15, 2009

God, life & art

Can you imagine interacting with God without art? Most of us can't. There's something about beauty -- even the terrible variety -- that feels sacred. There's something about the way an image, a phrase or a sound haunts you ... it feels like an encounter with the Holy Spirit herself. You don't have to be an artist to appreciate it. You just have to be alive.

If any of this resonates with you, then join our new Faith Through Art circle this Sunday at 6-8pm in the Old Bookstore at The Cathedral. It's an open circle that meets every month as part of the new Sundays @ The Crossing. At this first gathering, everyone will have the chance to share personal stories of how art connects with our faith, and vice versa. But this isn't a pure-talking circle -- there'll be time to create beauty together with images, words and sounds, and then to dream what a small group like this could mean for our spiritual and creative development. Contact Jenna at or Justin at for more info.

what's going on at the crossing?
THURSDAY @ 8am / Jogging for Jesus @ Charles-MGH Red Line T Stop
See "small groups and formation" for details

THURSDAY @ 6pm / Worship and Fellowship
Chris Ashley and Marie Harkey share the month's reflections, looking back at their journey to Kenya this summer and sharing around the ways God is inviting all of us into a conscious and compassionate way of life. Travis Stevens leads the month's spiritual practice: doing Compline from the Book of Common Prayer. In the midst of worship, we will celebrate our own Adwoa Lewis-Wilson's entry into formation as an oblate with the
Order of Julian of Norwich, an Episcopal contemplative monastic order.

AFTER WORSHIP: Snacks and community, and then we head out for a cheap meal together. GETTING TO THE CROSSING: 138 Tremont St., across from Park St. T. PARKING: Validated parking @ Boston Common Garage on Charles Street (b/t Common and Public Garden). MORE INFO: Head to

THIS FRIDAY @ 6-8pm / French Conversation Group in Central Square
See "small groups and formation" for details. RSVP to Travis Stevens

THIS SUNDAY @ 6-8pm / Faith Through Art Circle
See "small groups and formation" for details
The Crossing happens because we all pitch in to make it happen. These ministries are looking for partners, so please join the community making community!
-- To help with set-up of the worship space, contact Marie Harkey:
-- To organize justice and service gatherings or to join the group volunteering every week to share meals and community with homeless neighbors at Monday Lunch Program, contact Justin Harvey:
-- To help with greeting or hospitality, contact Travis Stevens:
-- To read, lead prayers, preach or lead a spiritual practice, contact Julia Wilkinson:

small groups and formation
** "Covenant Group: A Discipleship Circle": Mondays @ 6:45-8:30pm
Join a small group of Crossing members for reflection, stories, spiritual practice and intentional commitment to growing as Jesus' followers. Each of the sessions will focus on an aspect of The Crossing Rule of Life (see attachment). NOTE: The group will be open for the first few gatherings and then closed for the rest of the series. Every Monday at The Cathedral.
CONTACT Laura at:

** "Contemplative Circle": every other Wednesday @ 6-8pm
Spend a few hours in the middle of the week dropping deeper, as we explore and practice ancient contemplative prayer practices. Meets every other Wednesday at the Cathedral
(next dates: 10/21, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2, 12/16).
CONTACT Keith at:

** "Jogging for Jesus": Thursdays @ 8am
Join a small group of folks from The Crossing for a quick run before classes or work. There’s no program, just a chance to run with some companions. This group will meet on Thursday mornings and will convene in front of the CVS at the Charles/MGH Stop on the Red-Line.
CONTACT Stephen at:

** “French Conversation Group”: starting THIS Friday in Central Square
Speak French? Wish you knew more French? Enjoy wine and cheese? Sparkling water? If so, this group’s for you! On announced Fridays, we’ll kick-back at the end of the week for some conversation, light food, and a chance to practice speaking French!
CONTACT Travis at: or 213.675.1627 -- meet in front of Blockbuster Video on Mass Ave in Central Square to ride to Travis' home.

SUNDAYS @ THE CROSSING 1st Sunday: No Program -- The Crossing Leadership Crew gathers to pray and plan.

2nd Sunday: “The Nouwen Readers” -- Next: 11/8 @ 6-8pm at Tealuxe (108 Newbury St., Boston) Meet downstairs at Tealuxe on Newbury St. to have tea and share conversation around the writings of Henri Nouwen -- a powerful spiritual writer. First gathering: Henri Nouwen’s Reaching Out (next reading TBA). CONTACT Bill at:

3rd Sundays: “Exploring Our Faith Through Art” -- Begins Sun., 10/18 @ 6-8pm at The Cathedral
Engage artistic expressions and practices and explore the relationship between art and our faith. CONTACT Jenna at:

4th Sundays: “Everyone Does Theology” -- Begins Sun., 10/25 @ The Cathedral Come together for a seminar-style exploration of the great “mysteries” of our faith (Oct: The Trinity; Nov: Creation; Dec: The Incarnation). Practice doing theology in ways that engage and empower ALL of us. CONTACT Keith at:

justice and service opportunities
Here are just a few ways to link and serve.
If you are engaged in justice and social action and want to invite others to partner with you, reply to this email and we’ll list the event or program, along with your contact info.

** Monday Lunch Program: Cathedral every Monday, 10am to help with set-up, or 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. CONTACT Justin at

Boston Faith and Justice Network: Build awareness, relationships and action around fair trade and justice issues locally and globally. Go to for more info.

community notes
Connect with New Ministry Leaders
We've got an amazing new crew of ministry leaders making life happen here @ TheCrossing, and they can all use partners to join their teams. See where you might like to plug in this year:

** Marie Harkey: (to get creative around worship)
** Justin Harvey: (to share info about your justice work or learn about opportunities OR if you’re a newcomer)
** Penny Larson: (to suggest communities/groups we should reach out to)
** Jason Long: (to join new fall small groups)
** Keith Nelson: (to learn about The Crossing’s Rule of Life)
** Lispeth Nutt: (to help with web ministry)
** Rev. Steph Spellers: (to get pastoral support or just connect)
** Travis Stevens: (to be a greeter or help w/ post-worship hospitality)
** Jenna Tucker: (to help with college ministry)
** Jamie Urquhart: (to share favorite songs or offer musical talent)
** Kirsten Wesselhoeft: (to learn about the Rule or outreach)
** Julia Wilkinson: (to preach or lead spiritual practice)
** Michael Zahniser: (to talk about starting a Crossing house)

Making Music Together
Our new music director, Jamie Urquhart, wants to know the songs that most stir your heart. And if you like making music -- singing, playing an instrument, writing -- let her know that, too.
CONTACT: Jamie at to share favorite titles or your musical talent.

Giving @ The Crossing – An Update
We're past halfway toward our annual giving goal of $20,000 in 2009, but it’s gonna take a generous three months to meet our goal. Please prayerfully consider making a one-time gift or start pledging (setting out an amount you'd like to give over the course of a year, and filling out a pledge card so we know we can count on your contribution). Give however you're able: cash, check or credit cards.
CONTACT: Chris Ashley at

You got stuff to share (a job, a couch, a theater gig you want people to attend …)? You need stuff (lost scarf, dog-sitter, an apartment sublet …)? Log onto our online forum to connect and share information about random community announcements -- including upcoming events, apartment sublets, job opportunities, lost-and-found, furniture exchange, help requests, etc.

Blessings, peace and power!
Rev. Steph

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