Thursday, July 31, 2008

this summer is hot!

Who thought the summer would be slow? Ha! We're not worshiping tonight or the rest of the summer (returning Sept. 4), but there's plenty of good news to share about Life @ The Crossing. So I'm gonna get straight to it ... and then go praise God at the beach!


Summer Community Gatherings
Starting next week, we're organizing community happenings every Thursday. Read on and then mark your calendar. And if you'd like to host or organize a gathering, reply to this email!
** AUG. 7 @ 6:30pm / Party @ Kendra McLaughlin's house in the Fenway (56 Queensberry Street, Apt. 7): Kendra will have snacks and drinks to get things started, but you're welcome to bring more of either. To get directions or check in with Kendra (esp. if you can bring something!): or 857.939.0353.
** AUG. 14 @ 6:30pm / Bowling and Ice Cream in Hyde Park: Ron's Ice Cream (1231 Hyde Park Ave) sports the best ice cream in America (yup, it's official) and plenty of bowling (sticky lanes? hmm ...). Directions are here: Ron's is located about 4 miles from the Forest Hills T stop. No car? Contact Rev. Steph for ride info (pick-ups @ Forest Hills).
** AUG. 21 @ 6:30pm / Games and a Movie in the Cambridge area -- location TBA
** AUG. 28 @ 6:30pm / Wide Open!!

Planning for the Year
SUN., AUG. 18 @ 5-8pm / Open Scrum @ Rev. Steph's Place in Central Square (65 Magazine Street, Apt. 2, six blocks off Mass Ave). Scrum is usually the monthly gathering where leaders of The Crossing look at the past month and see what's on the horizon and plan accordingly. THIS TIME, Scrum will be an open gathering where everyone in the community is welcome to offer feedback on the last year and plan for the year to come around 1) worship, 2) community, 3) practice, 4) action and 5) leadership. Want to come? RSVP: Contact Rev. Steph at or 617.482.4826, x318 for directions (and so she's got enough food). Street parking available.

The Rule for Real Life & Prayer Partners
Attached is a draft of the Rule for Real Life, the working doc members of our community created recently to help all of us to journey more closely and intentionally with God and each other in our real lives. What to do with it?
1. Read it, pray with it, feel how it resonates with your own yearning to walk Jesus' way (and where you most need some support or challenge).
2. Offer your own thoughts about what you see, what's compelling, what's missing.
3. Try on The Rule this summer and fall.
4. Get a Prayer Partner: another member of The Crossing community who also wants to live out The Rule.
To share feedback or get linked with a Prayer Partner, contact Penny at or 617.558.8420.

Summer Justice and Healing Opportunities
Aug. 15 and Aug. 29 / Fair Trade Films This Summer: We're teaming up with Boston Faith and Justice Network ( this summer to spread info about fair trade and everybody's role in advancing global economic & environmental justice.
** Friday, August 15 @ 7pm: "The Fair Trade" at Hope Fellowship Church, 16 Beech Street, Cambridge (near Porter T stop).
** Friday, August 29 @ 7pm: We host a showing of "The Price of Sugar" right here at The Crossing.
NOTE: This fall, we're taking steps to make The Crossing a fair trade, sustainable ministry: using fair trade and environmentally sustainable products, serving on real dishes instead of paper or plastic (and then washing up afterward). Stay tuned for info on how you can pitch in.

Got extra time this summer? Consider helping with these downtown ministries with homeless and hungry people:
** Monday Lunch Program takes place here at The Cathedral every Monday. Show up @ 10am to help with set-up, or at 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. Contact Rev. Steph at or 617.482.4826, x318.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed everyday to help serve meals and provide care. Boylston St, near Chinatown. Contact Lynn Campbell at or 617.654.1212.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could also use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See or contact Christine Evans at

Community Notes
** Alleluia! The Crossing has been selected to host a "relational evangelist" starting in September, and it's our own Jason Long! A small group of these relational evangelists will serve as organizers 20-hrs/week with young adult-related ministries throughout the Episcopal Church in Massachusetts, stirring the pot so we all get more relational, more passionate about God's mission, and more connected with each other and with our community. Want to know more? Contact Jason at
** Need furniture? Kendra is moving from The Fenway soon and wants to sell or give away a lot of stuff: bookshelves, end tables, etc. Contact her at or 857.939.0353.
** Know any students looking to intern this fall? We've got several opportunities: traditional field education for seminarians, field site for work on small groups or justice efforts. Contact Rev. Steph at or 617.482.4826, x318.

Getting Connected @ The Crossing
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: / 617.482.4826, x318 (priest, communications, pastoral care)
** Chris Ashley: (budget, hospitality, worship arts)
** Lynn Campbell: (ministries with the homeless)
** Andrea Castner-Wyatt: (worship arts)
** Christine Evans: (admin, newcomers)
** Jason Long: (small groups)
** Ashley Merrell: (music ministry)

Wishing you all kinds of love and peace in Christ,
Rev. Steph

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