Wednesday, January 20, 2010

time for action

This is a week for action. The first action was yesterday, voting in the special election for U.S. Senate (sigh). But there's lots more action for those of us who love justice & mercy and try to stand with the least of these. So please -- in the next four days -- dig deep, come out and discover some amazing reasons to hope. 1) This Thursday @ 2-5pm, stand with our friends from the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition to lobby the State House for basic civil rights protections for transgendered people. 2) This Thursday, stay after worship for the second Soup & Bread social gathering hosted by our Justice & Outreach Team. 3) This Saturday @ 9:30am-2:30pm at the Cathedral, kick off the Hope in Action Campaign for Justice, an effort led by young, faithful people all over the Boston area (including a team from The Crossing!). Read on for more details, but then let's get moving. Too much is at stake, and we can't look to a hero on high to make the movement happen. It's all of us, together, filled with the spirit, power and love of Christ. Amen? Amen.

coming up @ the crossing


I am relieved to report that Boston-based volunteer Jude Harmon and the Sisters of St. Margaret -- whom I mentioned in last week's post -- all survived the earthquake and have been evacuated. But we simply can't stop praying and sending support for our brothers and sisters in Haiti, whose lives continue to fall apart. Send donations to:

** The Society of St. Margaret, 17 Highland Park Street, Boston, MA 02119. For updates and more information about the sisters’ work in Haiti, go to and click on the “Haiti” page link.

** Episcopal Relief and Development: Donate online at or call 800-334-7626, ext. 5129.

THIS THURSDAY @ 2-5pm / Lobby for Transgendered Civil Rights at the State House downtown
In a progressive state like Massachusetts, it's easy to imagine everyone has basic civil rights like protection from job discrimination and hate crimes. That's not true for transgendered people, who as a community suffer far greater rates of homelessness, job discrimination and violent attack compared to the general public (or even compared to lesbian, gay or bisexual people). Come out and speak (or just stand up) for trans civil rights tomorrow at 2-5pm at the State House. CONTACT: Penny at or 617.755.8420 to link with other Crossing folks. GO TO: Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition for more information.

THIS THURSDAY @ 6pm / Worship and Community
Micah Interns Ben Whaley and Tyler Bridge share reflections this month (what's a Micah Intern? Click here to find out more about the whole Life Together young adult intern program). Tyler takes his turn with Luke 4:14-21 (often called Jesus' mission statement). Jana Yeaton continues to open up the spiritual practice of repetitive prayer.
  • BEFORE WORSHIP: Help set-up at 4:45pm or join the pre-worship prayer circle at 5:30pm
  • AFTER WORSHIP: Dinner with the Justice & Outreach Team (see below)
  • GETTING TO THE CROSSING: 138 Tremont St., across from Park St. T
  • PARKING: $5 parking coupons for Boston Common Garage on Charles St (b/t Common and Public Garden)
  • LOTS MORE INFO: Head to
THIS THURSDAY @ 8-9pm / Dinner and Board Games with The Crossing Justice & Outreach Team
Our Justice and Outreach Team welcomes everyone to share soup, bread and the good news about justice action in Boston. Stick around, share food and fun and then dream how The Crossing can become a more powerful voice and presence for justice in our city.

SAT., 1/23 @ 9:30am-2:30pm / Hope in Action Campaign Kick-off
The Crossing is part of an amazing community of ministries joining in the Hope in Action Campaign for Justice this year. It's being organized by Life Together (the DioMass Intern Program). Now our Justice and Outreach Minister, Justin Harvey, and his team will be mobilizing us, our friends, our neighbors and many others to join a campaign to bless and heal our city.

Please come out start imagining friends and neighbors you'd like to engage in this important work. CONTACT: Justin at

SAT., 1/30 @ 9:30am-3:30pm / 5th Annual Cathedral Worship Learning Party
Come out and learn from energized, missional, creative worship leaders in local communities. Four congregations get one hour each to share an experience of their worship, along with reflections on making change and linking worship and mission. Featuring leaders from Trinity-Boston on Re-imagining tradition; St. Stephen's-Lynn on All Ages Worship; The Cathedral on World Music and Gospel; and All Saints-Stoneham on the MOSH Youth Rock Worship.

small groups and formation
Sundays @ The Crossing, Covenant Groups, Sexuality and Faith Forum, Everybody Does Theology, Intro to Faith & Church, Speaking of Faith small groups, heck, maybe even Dodge Ball! These are just some of the ideas our Minister for Community Life, Jason Long, and his able team are kicking around for this year. Stay tuned to The Crossing Calendar for details, and feel free to contact Jason to share an idea or if you have a knack for facilitating small groups. CONTACT: Jason at

Catechism (an Intro to Faith & Church) AND Baptism/Confirmation/Reception into Episcopal Church
Want to learn more about the Episcopal Church that is our extended family? Considering being baptized as a follower of Jesus, or being confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church? Rev. Steph and Julia Wilkinson will co-lead a class this winter/spring exploring the particulars of the "Anglican" way of Christian life. As much fun as you can have with a Prayer Book in your hands! CONTACT: Rev. Steph at if you would like to learn more, or to discuss Baptism, Confirmation or Reception.

helping hands @ the crossing
Many more details at The Crossing Calendar and the Justice & Service page. Here are the highlights:
  • Help with Worship Set-up on Thursdays @ 4:45pm
  • Join the Pre-Worship Prayer Circe on Thursdays @ 5:30pm
  • Monday Lunch Program at The Cathedral on 2nd and 4th Mondays: 10am to help with set-up, or 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our homeless and hungry neighbors

giving @ the crossing
Alleluia! We met our fundraising goal of $20,000 for 2009, and now we've raised the bar to $23,000 for 2010. That extra money will allow us to 1) move Rev. Steph from 1/2-time [where she's been for the last year and a half] to 3/4-time starting this January, and 2) allow us to bump our Minister for Community Life from 1/4-time right now to 1/2-time starting in July.

If you'd like to make a commitment to sustain The Crossing community's life, please prayerfully consider making a one-time gift or start pledging (setting out an amount you'd like to give over the course of a year, and filling out a 2010 pledge card so we know we can count on your contribution). Give however you're able: cash, check or credit cards. CONTACT: Chris Ashley at

get connected
We've got an amazing crew of leaders making life happen here @ The Crossing. Click to Meet The Crossing Leadership Crew and see who you might talk with to plug into anything -- lead a spiritual practice, have a newcomer coffee, link with justice work, join a small group, help with the web, pitch in with hospitality, start giving regularly, or just get some support and hope for the journey we share.

And if you'd like to make a connection with the broader Crossing community, get onto our online forum, InBetweenCrossings: Here's where we connect and share information about random community announcements -- including upcoming events, apartment sublets, job opportunities, lost-and-found, furniture exchange, help requests, etc. You got stuff to share (a job, a couch, a theater gig you want people to attend)? You need stuff (lost scarf, dog-sitter, an apartment sublet)? Pass along the word ...

Sending blessings and peace and keeping the faith,
Rev. Steph

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