Tuesday, June 16, 2009

what's up with him?

Reading the scripture passage for this week (Mark 4:35-41), I was struck by this image of Jesus and the disciples in the boat. The sea is rocking, the disciples are freaking out. And Jesus? He's got his head on a pillow, asleep, resting and trusting. What keeps him so centered? His intimacy with God. But the greatest surprise is, he's not hoarding that intimacy. He's actually opening the way to it, letting us into the intimate circle so we can live infused with the love and grace of God, like him. That's what we're practicing in the Centering Prayer Circle every Tuesday night (now at the easier-to-reach Paulist Center across from The Cathedral). It's what we'll practice when we gather for worship Thursday. And we'll keep practicing it as we share a Crossing Community Dinner on Saturday in Central Square (RSVP details below). These practices teach us something of God, knit us closer to God, prepare us to live the mission of God. Who knows? Maybe the next time you're in that rocking boat, you'll be the one radiating the strangely centered, loving presence of God.

It could happen.

what's happening @ the crossing?
TONIGHT @ 6:30-8pm / Come to the Center: A Centering Prayer Circle -- NOTE LOCATION: DOWNTOWN @ The Paulist Center!!
Keith Nelson and Matthew Turner lead this exploration of the ancient practice of Centering Prayer (think of it as Christian meditation). OPEN GROUP: beginners and experienced practitioners are welcome! DATES: Runs every Tuesday this summer. Come once, twice or every week. Just come find the center. LOCATION: Due to construction in the Cathedral community spaces this summer, the group will meet most Tuesdays at The Paulist Center -- a Catholic church across from Park St. T, about half-way up Park St (toward the State House). See the church with the red door. Stay tuned for alternate locations on June 23 and 30, July 28, August 25. CONTACT: Keith Nelson, nelsonkr@gmail.com or 205.807.9037.

WEDNESDAY @ 6-8pm / Daring to Draw Near: A Covenant Group IN BROOKLINE
This Christian discipleship group explores various forms of prayer, using John White's book Daring to Draw Near. The group is closed now, but other covenant groups will open in the fall. CONTACT: Jason Long at jlong@diomass.org for info on small groups.

THURSDAY @ 6pm / Worship and Fellowship
Kieran Conroy offers the month's third reflection, with more on Jesus vision of the kin(g)dom of God (see Mark 4). Jenna Tucker keeps up the spiritual practice for the month: a practical primer on good, old-fashioned prayer. AFTER WORSHIP: Join us for simple hospitality and stick around for our ritual procession to a nearby restaurant for cheap food and drinks. GETTING HERE: Across from Park St. T. PARKING: Validated parking @ Boston Common Garage on Charles Street (b/t Common and Public Garden). MORE INFO: Head to www.thecrossingboston.org.

THIS SATURDAY @ 5:30pm / Community Dinner at home of Kate Rubins and Mike Magnani (near Central Square, Cambridge)
It's a new Crossing tradition! These monthly community dinners will take place at the homes of Crossing folks. If you'd like to be on the HOST TEAM for this meal or another one -- either physically hosting or helping to provide the meal -- CONTACT Jason at jlong@diomass.org. For directions, please RSVP to Kate at rubins@wi.mit.edu or 650.248.3038.

NEXT SATURDAY, 6/27 @ 10am-2:30pm / Crossing Urban Adventures: Harbor Island Adventure
These great adventures are happening roughly every other week all summer long! Join other Crossing folks and friends exploring the city and beyond, discovering places each of us identifies as "holy" (and fun). This first excursion promises prayer, sun, hiking and refreshment one mile from downtown Boston! Ferry is $14 and leaves from the Long Wharf pier (near Blue Line). Pack a lunch or buy lunch on the ferry. Check out http://www.bostonislands.org/default.asp. CONTACT: Kim @ kimberly.hudson@ssa.gov or Laura at laurakraybill@gmail.com for more details.

community notes
Giving @ The Crossing -- An Update
We've raised $9,534 toward our annual giving goal of $20,000 in 2009. Please prayerfully consider making a one-time gift or start pledging (setting out an amount you'd like to give over the course of a year, and filling out a pledge card so we know we can count on your contribution). Give however you're able: cash, check or credit cards. CONTACT: Chris Ashley at chris.ashley@gmail.com.

InBetweenCrossings: groups.google.com/group/inbetweencrossings
You got stuff to share (a job, a couch, a theater gig you want people to attend …)? You need stuff (lost scarf, dog-sitter, a summer sublet …)? Log onto our new online forum to connect and share information about random community announcements -- including upcoming events, apartment sublets, job opportunities, lost-and-found, furniture exchange, help requests, etc.

Share the Groove -- Buy a copy of The Crossing CD
The Crossing has released its first CD, Songs @ The Crossing. It's a collection of 14 favorite songs from our worship community, and you can get it for $15. Email Rev. Steph at sspellers@diomass.org or buy one on a Thursday.

Fair Trade @ The Crossing
Want to pitch in with our effort to become a Fair Trade Ministry? The first move: changes in hospitality (fair trade/organic food, eco-friendly products, re-usable dishes that we wash after worship). To help and imagine more ways to transform life @ The Crossing, CONTACT: Bill Comer at bill.comer.jr@gmail.com or 617.818.5124. And join friends at Boston Faith and Justice Network as they put the spotlight on fair trade and justice issues locally and globally. Go to www.bostonfaithjustice.org for more info.

ongoing justice and healing ministries
We're serious about joining ministries that serve our homeless and hungry brothers and sisters. Please join us any day of the week!
** Monday Lunch Program: Cathedral every Monday, 10am to help with set-up, or 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. Contact Rev. Steph a sspellers@diomass.org.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed every day to help serve meals and provide care. Boylston St, near Chinatown. Contact Lynn Campbell at lynnmcam@aol.com.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See www.haleyhouse.org.

getting connected @ the crossing
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers:
sspellers@diomass.org / 617.482.4826, x318 (priest, communications, pastoral care)
** Jason Long: jlong@diomass.org / 617.482.4826, x311 (small groups & formation, newcomers)
** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com (budget, hospitality)
** Lynn Campbell: lynnmcam@aol.com (ministries with the homeless)
** Kieran Conroy: kconroy42@gmail.com (emerging church connections)
** Ashley Merrell: ashleynmerrell@gmail.com (music ministry)
** Keith Nelson: nelsonkr@gmail.com (worship arts)
** Jenna Tucker: jenna.m.tucker@gmail.com (general admin)

Blessings in the groove,
Rev. Steph

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Monday, June 15, 2009

show some pride!

[lord help me! i manage to get a weekly email out to our community, but converting it for a blog post and placing it here for the wider world to check somehow eludes me. so now i'm catching up. here is the last of three weeks' worth of blog posts. they're truncated, without the basic community ministry info. just some thoughts, plus all the news that's fit to print ...]

sent to crossing community on tuesday june 9, 2009
If there's any place where Boston-area Christians need to stand up and offer a positive witness and some serious blessings, it's this Saturday's Pride Parade. I hope you'll be part of The Crossing's witness at the parade, an annual celebration of hope for New England's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered (LGBT) community and their allies. Why should we all join in? Because the church has done plenty to scapegoat LGBT people and declare they're not beloved, and the fallout is often sad, sometimes deadly. To show up with a blessing and an invitation to LGBT brothers and sisters to consider Jesus again ... well, it's humbling and stirring for those of us who are marching. And it's amazingly healing and inspiring for folks standing in the crowds.

All are welcome to walk in the parade and/or to attend the Blessing Service at The Cathedral at 2:30pm with Bishop Tom Shaw. Details are below. And blessings are coming from above :)

what's happening @ the crossing?
TONIGHT @ 6:30-8pm / Come to the Center: A Centering Prayer Circle IN BROOKLINE
Keith Nelson and Matthew Turner lead this introduction to the ancient practice of Centering Prayer (think of it as Christian meditation). OPEN GROUP: beginners and newcomers welcome every week! Runs every Tuesday in June and July. LOCATION: 40 Prescott Street in Brookline -- St. Mary's stop on Green C-Line, BU Central on the B-Line or 47 bus between Central Sq. and Roxbury. (Detailed directions @ bottom of this email.) CONTACT: Keith Nelson, nelsonkr@gmail.com.

WEDNESDAY @ 6-8pm / Daring to Draw Near: A Covenant Group IN BROOKLINE
Kate Rubins and Stephen Gire guide this Christian discipleship group exploring various forms of prayer, using John White's book Daring to Draw Near. Runs every Wednesday in June and July -- this Wed. will be the last open session; then group closes for final 6 sessions. LOCATION: 40 Prescott Street in Brookline -- St. Mary's stop on Green C-Line, BU Central on the B-Line or 47 bus between Central Sq. and Roxbury. (Detailed directions @ bottom of this email.) CONTACT: Kate Rubins, rubins@mit.edu.

THURSDAY @ 6pm / Worship and Fellowship
Laura Kraybill offers the month's second reflection, the first in a series all about the kin(g)dom of God (see Mark 3). Jenna Tucker keeps up the spiritual practice for the month: a primer on good, old-fashioned prayer. After Worship: Join us for simple hospitality and stick around for our ritual procession to Fajitas 'n Ritas for cheap food and drinks. Getting to The Crossing: Across from Park St. T. Parking: Validated parking @ Boston Common Garage on Charles Street (b/t Common and Public Garden). More info: head to www.thecrossingboston.org.

The Crossing always has a vibrant presence with our wider Episcopal family in Boston's Pride Parade, where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people and allies walk, give thanks and stand in solidarity with those who cannot yet celebrate. Here's the Pride Day schedule:
-- 10:30am: Depart Cathedral en route to the step-off point in the South End (line-up in parade by 11:30am)
-- Noon-2pm: Walk in the Parade (South End to City Hall Plaza)
-- 2-2:30pm: Music, Tea and Hospitality on the Cathedral Porch
-- 2:30-3:15pm: Blessing Service for LGBT people and their families, w/ our own Bishop Tom Shaw

And here's how you can get plugged in:
** Want to help craft our creative presence -- sewing, painting, dreaming, encouraging the creatives? Contact: Lispeth at lispethn@gmail.com.
** Want to assist with hospitality and a blessing service at The Cathedral at 2pm (right after the Parade)? Contact: Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com.
** Just want to march? Show up at The Cathedral at 10:30am and we'll head to the step-off point together.

small groups and formation
The Tuesday and Wednesday small groups are just one part of a rich summer of community life at The Crossing:
** Community Dinner / Sat., 6/20 @ 5:30pm at home of Kate Rubins and Mike Magnani: These monthly dinners will take place at the homes of Crossing folks. Thanks to Kate and Mike for opening their home near Central Square. If you'd like to be on the HOST TEAM for this meal or another one -- either physically hosting or helping to provide the meal -- contact Jason at jlong@diomass.org. OPEN -- just need to RSVP to Kate at rubins@mit.edu.

** Urban Adventures / Sat., 6/27 @ 10am-2:30pm: Urban Adventures are happening roughly every other week all summer long! Join other Crossing folks and friends exploring the city and beyond, discovering places each of us identifies as "holy" (and fun). First date is Saturday, 6/27 @ 10am-2:30pm: Harbor Island Adventure - Experiencing God's Creation. A day of prayer, sun, hiking and refreshment one mile from downtown Boston! Free guided tours and info on eco-volunteer opportunties. Ferry is $14 and leaves from the Long Wharf pier (near Blue Line). Pack a lunch or buy lunch on the ferry. Check out http://www.bostonislands.org/default.asp. Contact: Kim @ kimberly.hudson@ssa.gov or Laura at laurakraybill@gmail.com.

** August Prayer Group: Thursdays in August @ 6-7:30pm. No worship in August, so enjoy this simple time to gather, pray and keep community going while we all catch our breath.

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rollercoaster of love

[lord help me! i manage to get a weekly email out to our community, but converting it for a blog post and placing it here for the wider world to check somehow eludes me. so now i'm catching up. here is the first of three weeks' worth of blog posts -- may 27, june 2 and june 9. they're somewhat truncated, without the basic community ministry info. just the news that's fit to print.]


Reflections on Family, Holiness, Change and Blessings
What a roller coaster today has been, with tears at every turn! I awakened to the extraordinary news of Sonia Sotomayor's nomination to the Supreme Court. The tears started as my Latina sister thanked the President -- son of a single mother -- and honored her own mother, a single mom who raised her and her brother in a Bronx housing project. All this was so much sweeter for me because my mother, Phyllis, raised me and my brother on her own in Kentucky. So my heart was glad.

Then, just a few hours later, my heart broke with the news that California's highest court upheld a ban against marriage equality for gay and lesbian people. I thought of all the gay and lesbian friends and mentors whose relationships and marriages have taught me how to love, how to raise a family, how to put God at the center of a home. I thought of all my gay and lesbian friends and mentors in and from California -- some of whom are reading these words -- who feel they've been swept back to second-class citizenship after a too-brief taste of equality. As a black woman, as a Christian, as an American, my heart aches whenever I see discrimination, especially when the church is at the forefront, reinforcing oppression. I cannot pretend otherwise.

And yet, in the space between these historic events, I found a fledgling hope. NPR interviewed a California pastor who said he opposes marriage equality because "Every child has a right to be raised by two parents, a man and a woman." I looked up, thought, "Ah, my brother, wait!" A mother and a father are wonderful, but they're by no means the only foundation for a strong family. I know it. President Obama and Judge Sotomayor know it, too. Our mothers built non-traditional families that nurtured us, with aunts and uncles, grandparents and neighbors all investing in our well-being. I missed my dad, but I gained so much when the bounds of our family got stretched out. It was a different family, but a family nonetheless.

Likewise, I have seen beautiful, healthy Christian families with two mothers and others with two fathers, and their children are as blessed as any raised by a man and a woman. It's a different blessing, but a blessing nonetheless ... on the children and on me.

I believe my brother pastor wants what's best for children and for families. That's why I hope and pray he will someday experience gay and lesbian and other non-traditional families not as a threat or an unfortunate substitute but as a blessing that enriches his own marriage, his own family, his own Christian journey. That is what they have done for me.

I write knowing some will resonate with my words, while for others they may bring pain, confusion or anger. If you would like to sit down and talk, to share stories or hopes or questions, to explore the different ways we see God moving, I welcome that opportunity to listen and to share. If you don't have that talk with me, find a friend or another Crossing member with whom to have it. Even when we disagree, such conversations make us all stronger. They are a blessing, too.

Walking with you in the light of Christ,
Rev. Steph

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