a brand new day
Good morning. Yes, it's 1pm, but I've just got to say "good morning." That's because -- regardless of our politics -- we all woke up this morning to a new day for America and for the world. On this new day, I hope you'll join me in offering the prayer below (shared by another Crossing leader). The words are Desmond Tutu's, for his South African homeland, but they feel so right for this land today ...
Bless our beautiful land, O Lord,
with its wonderful variety of people,
of races, cultures and languages.
May we be a nation of laughter and joy,
of justice and reconciliation,
of peace and unity,
of compassion, caring and sharing.
We pray this prayer for a true patriotism,
in the powerful name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
What's going on @ The Crossing?
Thursday @ 6pm / Worship
It's a new month, and our brother Bill Comer will lead reflections on some redemption texts in the gospel of Matthew. Kieran Conroy and Kim Hudson share in leading spiritual practices, so be ready to open your heart. Getting to The Crossing: Park St T (across from fountain) or validated parking @ Boston Common Garage. More info: www.thecrossingboston.org.
Thanksgiving Day (11/27) / Share a Meal with Friends
The Cathedral hosts a lunch-time Thanksgiving meal for our homeless, hungry or just lonely friends every year. We won't do Crossing worship that night, but everyone is invited to help with the meal during the day. More details soon, but if you're interested in helping, contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com or 617.482.4826, x318.
Sat., 12/6-Sun., 12/7 / Rule of Life Retreat
Thanks to everyone who took part last month in reflecting on our new Rule of Life -- the update will be available soon! (Current draft attached.) Now, you can mark your calendar for an overnight retreat around living out The Rule. What does it mean to say "yes" to God in all parts of our lives: spiritual, financial, communal, relational, sexual? What does it mean to commit to the journey with Jesus as a member of The Crossing community? These are the kinds of questions we'll sit & pray with, the first weekend in December. Details so far: 1) stay @ a retreat center w/in an hour of Boston, 2) cost under $70 inc. food [w/ assistance available], 3) start around 4pm Saturday, end around 1pm Sunday. More details to come ...
The Advent Conspiracy: It's Coming ...
It's not too early to start imagining how you want to mark Advent (the reflective season of preparation for Jesus' birth; runs from Nov. 30 to Dec. 24). Soon you'll feel the pressure to buy, buy, buy! The Advent Conspiracy encourages us instead to make a revolutionary commitment during Advent to 1) worship more, 2) spend less, 3) give more, 4) love all. Read more at www.adventconspiracy.org. And join the revolution ...
Prayers for our Community:
* Please pray for our newly elected president, Barack Obama; for Joe Biden, the vice president-elect; and for their families. Pray for John McCain and Sarah Palin, who offered themselves and their vision for our country, and whose supporters may be deeply hurt this day. Pray for our ancestors, especially for those who watch and rejoice in heaven on this new morning in America.
* Please pray for Lynn Campbell, Lianne Marquis and Audrey O'Brien. They are preparing for ordination interviews on November 14 before the Commission on Ministry (the Episcopal group that decides who can formally begin the period of education and formation that leads to ordination as a priest). Each of our sisters is already an extraordinary minister, but they will need our prayers surrounding them as they approach this important gathering.
* Please pray for everyone finishing midterm exams and papers this week (or recovering from last week's onslaught).
* Please pray for everyone who is seeking work in this tough economy, including those who are underemployed and hope to find more meaningful/better paid work. Please pray for all those who suffer because of social services budget cuts and job losses in Massachusetts. Pray for all those on the top, on the bottom, and everywhere in between, who are hurting so much in these hard times.
Small Groups @ The Crossing
If you've got a passion for small groups, either to help organize this new ministry or to be in a group, then contact Jason: jlong@diomass.org or 617.482.4826, x311. He's got a crew of leaders doing one-to-one relational meetings, finding out the topics and passions that would truly bring people together. Groups should be starting by the New Year!
Share the Groove -- Buy a copy of The Crossing's new CD!
The Crossing has released its first CD, Songs @ The Crossing. It's a collection of 14 favorite songs from our worship community, and you can get it for $15. Reply to this email, buy one on a Thursday. Bonus: you can purchase on our website: www.thecrossingboston.org later this month.
Fair Trade @ The Crossing
Want to pitch in with our effort to become a Fair Trade Ministry? The first move: changes in hospitality (fair trade/organic food, eco-friendly products, re-usable dishes that we wash after worship). To help and imagine more ways to transform life @ The Crossing, contact Bill Comer at bill.comer.jr@gmail.com or 617.818.5124.
Ongoing Justice & Healing Opportunities
We're serious about joining ministries that serve our homeless and hungry brothers and sisters. Please join us any day of the week!
** Monday Lunch Program takes place here at The Cathedral every Monday. Show up @ 10am to help with set-up, or at 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com or 617.482.4826, x318.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed everyday to help serve meals and provide care. Boylston St, near Chinatown. Contact Lynn Campbell at lynnmcam@aol.com or 617.654.1212.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could also use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See www.haleyhouse.org or contact Christine Evans at cevans@haleyhouse.org.
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: revsteph@gmail.com / 617.482.4826, x318 (priest, communications, pastoral care)
** Jason Long: jlong@diomass.org / 617.482.4826, x311 (newcomers, small groups)
** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com (budget, hospitality)
** Lynn Campbell: lynnmcam@aol.com (pastoral care, ministries with the homeless)
** Andrea Castner-Wyatt: revandrea@gmail.com (worship arts, "the groovement")
** Marie Harkey: mharkey@gmail.com (admin, general)
** Ashley Merrell: amerrell@berklee.net (music ministry)
God give you new life on this new day!
Rev. Steph
Bless our beautiful land, O Lord,
with its wonderful variety of people,
of races, cultures and languages.
May we be a nation of laughter and joy,
of justice and reconciliation,
of peace and unity,
of compassion, caring and sharing.
We pray this prayer for a true patriotism,
in the powerful name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
What's going on @ The Crossing?
Thursday @ 6pm / Worship
It's a new month, and our brother Bill Comer will lead reflections on some redemption texts in the gospel of Matthew. Kieran Conroy and Kim Hudson share in leading spiritual practices, so be ready to open your heart. Getting to The Crossing: Park St T (across from fountain) or validated parking @ Boston Common Garage. More info: www.thecrossingboston.org.
Thanksgiving Day (11/27) / Share a Meal with Friends
The Cathedral hosts a lunch-time Thanksgiving meal for our homeless, hungry or just lonely friends every year. We won't do Crossing worship that night, but everyone is invited to help with the meal during the day. More details soon, but if you're interested in helping, contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com or 617.482.4826, x318.
Sat., 12/6-Sun., 12/7 / Rule of Life Retreat
Thanks to everyone who took part last month in reflecting on our new Rule of Life -- the update will be available soon! (Current draft attached.) Now, you can mark your calendar for an overnight retreat around living out The Rule. What does it mean to say "yes" to God in all parts of our lives: spiritual, financial, communal, relational, sexual? What does it mean to commit to the journey with Jesus as a member of The Crossing community? These are the kinds of questions we'll sit & pray with, the first weekend in December. Details so far: 1) stay @ a retreat center w/in an hour of Boston, 2) cost under $70 inc. food [w/ assistance available], 3) start around 4pm Saturday, end around 1pm Sunday. More details to come ...
The Advent Conspiracy: It's Coming ...
It's not too early to start imagining how you want to mark Advent (the reflective season of preparation for Jesus' birth; runs from Nov. 30 to Dec. 24). Soon you'll feel the pressure to buy, buy, buy! The Advent Conspiracy encourages us instead to make a revolutionary commitment during Advent to 1) worship more, 2) spend less, 3) give more, 4) love all. Read more at www.adventconspiracy.org. And join the revolution ...
Prayers for our Community:
* Please pray for our newly elected president, Barack Obama; for Joe Biden, the vice president-elect; and for their families. Pray for John McCain and Sarah Palin, who offered themselves and their vision for our country, and whose supporters may be deeply hurt this day. Pray for our ancestors, especially for those who watch and rejoice in heaven on this new morning in America.
* Please pray for Lynn Campbell, Lianne Marquis and Audrey O'Brien. They are preparing for ordination interviews on November 14 before the Commission on Ministry (the Episcopal group that decides who can formally begin the period of education and formation that leads to ordination as a priest). Each of our sisters is already an extraordinary minister, but they will need our prayers surrounding them as they approach this important gathering.
* Please pray for everyone finishing midterm exams and papers this week (or recovering from last week's onslaught).
* Please pray for everyone who is seeking work in this tough economy, including those who are underemployed and hope to find more meaningful/better paid work. Please pray for all those who suffer because of social services budget cuts and job losses in Massachusetts. Pray for all those on the top, on the bottom, and everywhere in between, who are hurting so much in these hard times.
Small Groups @ The Crossing
If you've got a passion for small groups, either to help organize this new ministry or to be in a group, then contact Jason: jlong@diomass.org or 617.482.4826, x311. He's got a crew of leaders doing one-to-one relational meetings, finding out the topics and passions that would truly bring people together. Groups should be starting by the New Year!
Share the Groove -- Buy a copy of The Crossing's new CD!
The Crossing has released its first CD, Songs @ The Crossing. It's a collection of 14 favorite songs from our worship community, and you can get it for $15. Reply to this email, buy one on a Thursday. Bonus: you can purchase on our website: www.thecrossingboston.org later this month.
Fair Trade @ The Crossing
Want to pitch in with our effort to become a Fair Trade Ministry? The first move: changes in hospitality (fair trade/organic food, eco-friendly products, re-usable dishes that we wash after worship). To help and imagine more ways to transform life @ The Crossing, contact Bill Comer at bill.comer.jr@gmail.com or 617.818.5124.
Ongoing Justice & Healing Opportunities
We're serious about joining ministries that serve our homeless and hungry brothers and sisters. Please join us any day of the week!
** Monday Lunch Program takes place here at The Cathedral every Monday. Show up @ 10am to help with set-up, or at 11:30am-12:45pm to help serve & build community with our neighbors. Contact Rev. Steph at revsteph@gmail.com or 617.482.4826, x318.
** St. Francis House: Volunteers needed everyday to help serve meals and provide care. Boylston St, near Chinatown. Contact Lynn Campbell at lynnmcam@aol.com or 617.654.1212.
** Haley House is a Catholic-worker style community in the South End. Volunteers needed for meals programs 6-10am every day AND 1:30-5pm Saturday and Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Could also use help tending an urban orchard in Mission Hill. See www.haleyhouse.org or contact Christine Evans at cevans@haleyhouse.org.
If you'd like to be in touch, we'd love to connect with YOU! Look at the list and then reach out:
** Stephanie Spellers: revsteph@gmail.com / 617.482.4826, x318 (priest, communications, pastoral care)
** Jason Long: jlong@diomass.org / 617.482.4826, x311 (newcomers, small groups)
** Chris Ashley: chris.ashley@gmail.com (budget, hospitality)
** Lynn Campbell: lynnmcam@aol.com (pastoral care, ministries with the homeless)
** Andrea Castner-Wyatt: revandrea@gmail.com (worship arts, "the groovement")
** Marie Harkey: mharkey@gmail.com (admin, general)
** Ashley Merrell: amerrell@berklee.net (music ministry)
God give you new life on this new day!
Rev. Steph
Labels: alternative worship, Boston church, emergent, emerging church, Episcopal, evening service, gay christian, progressive, soul music, young adult